The Online Presence of Chegue

My current group project, with schoolmates

I'm aiming to be consistent with my posts, there's only ~2 hours left for the day as I'm writing this, today I would like to share my (to-date) school group project, an ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) system, it's not 100%, but the simulation works! It's super easy to do, not really practical as it is, it's only for a report for a mechatronics module. A good industrial substantiation of this concept is a UPS for servers/computers. The schematics:


That's mine. Here's my group member's version (mine is more simpler): WhatsApp Image 2024-08-12 at 13

Project goal: Light a bulb using a main power source, use the backup power supply (a battery) to power to light bulb should the primary power source fail. Issue: Both LEDs won't turn off when no switch is on, so the power draws automatically from the primary source for the first LED!

Will upload a picture on the completion of the project later, still currently getting all the necessary components and soldering it together.